Egypt has witnessed a historic event
The Pharaoh's Golden Parade recently saw a movement of 22 mummies, (18 kings and 4 queens), to their new home in the newly built National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. Traveling in black and golden floats, the total distance from Egyptian Museum was 7 kilometers for spectators to enjoy. They were transported in chronological order of their reign, including famous rulers such as King Ramses II, and Queen Hatshepsut. After their arrival, they were greeted with a 21 gun salute before being brought into their new home.
The new exhibits will be available to limited entrance for now, and to the general public on April 18th. It was a large event, and one that can be explained due to the strong ties the rulers had to Egypt's history. But why is Egyptian gold such a strong part of their history and culture that it's mixed in with the greatest rulers in Egyptian history?

Gold in Egyptian Culture
Nebu is the Egyptian god of Gold. However, gold was also closely associated with the most powerful of Gods, the sun god Ra. He was often referred to as a mountain of gold. Ancient Egyptians believed that gold was a heavenly metal and came from the flesh of Ra. Because of this, they saw it as a symbol of wealth and beauty, and one that was indestructible.
Mainly the wealthy and powerful in ancient Egypt owned the precious metals, as it was very costly. They would make jewelry out of it, cutlery, masks, and more. Many of these items would be buried with the pharaohs after their deaths so that they could lead a luxurious and rich life in the afterlife.
Gold Today
Even today, gold remains a strong symbol of wealth. And while not only the richest have it, many see it as a precious metal that shines above all. The land itself is rich in the metal, and production looks like it's not slowing down anytime soon. Gold has expanded to not only be jewelry, but also other uses such as a form of investment or as an electrical conductor in technology. And all of this has helped gold prices rise. We're proud to be able to offer the highest prices in the GTA for your gold! You can stop buy anytime to see the real value of your gold!